Our team is small but highly experienced. Terry, Charlie, and Bill actively manage client relationships while Kathy and Oli make sure things run smoothly. We leverage John Fitzpatrick's investment experience and knowledge of global markets to better position our client's portfolios.
We recommend what is best for you and your particular situation. We are not compensated by selling commission-based products and have the flexibility to design a portfolio that best suits your unique goals. As your wealth grows, our firm grows, aligning our interest.
We tend to the details without ever losing sight of the big picture. Our consultative approach creates a blueprint that you can use to guide all your professional advisors. We recognize that it takes a team of capable professionals to properly manage wealth and we are happy to work closely with your other advisors.
As a fiduciary, we are held to the highest legal standard (duty of care) in financial services which requires our advice and recommendations to always be in your best interest.
Our firm was built for and around our clients. We believe an open and transparent, client-centered relationship is the key to long-term success. Our thorough wealth planning process is driven by listening first, formulating a strategy, and following through with advice and world-class service.